L.E.A.F. (Learn. Empower. Achieve. Farm.) Workshop Series

Cornell Cooperative Extension Chautauqua County’s Agriculture Program is excited to announce upcoming educational workshops for interested agriculturists. The L.E.A.F (Learn. Empower. Achieve. Farm.) Series is open to beginning farmers, established farms looking to diversify and grow, agriculture enthusiasts, homesteaders, and everyone in between! A variety of class topics will be presented through the fall and winter months for a nominal fee. Classes will generally be held at the JCC Carnahan Center; 525 Falconer Street, Jamestown, NY.

Workshops will cover a broad range of topics, and will include: creating a business plan, soil health and plant fertility, beginning farmer resources, access to capital, farm bookkeeping and taxes, selecting an enterprise, marketing avenues, maple production, backyard chicken raising and poultry production, small berry production, livestock production, vegetable production, farmers markets, and much more! Topics will also be added as participant needs and interests are identified.

You can view all our currently scheduled workshops at chautauqua.cce.cornell.edu/leaf2020. If you would like to get the latest information on the L.E.A.F. program, sign up for our newsletter here

Last updated February 5, 2020