DUNKIRK, NY (July 19, 2023) - -Chautauqua County 4-H Youth have been super excited to be back at the Chautauqua County Fair and glad to be open to the public! Squeals of excitement were heard from the hogs and youth, and a few of the spectators as they participated in Swine Market and Showmanship Classes on Monday, July 17, 2023. Jeremy Lipps of New Paris, Ohio judged the show.
The Showmanship classes consisted of three divisions and 41 youth. Senior Showman, being the most experienced showman, start the show to give younger youth an opportunity to pick up some last-minute pointers. Garrett Lesch was named Grand Champion Senior Showman and Hannah Schuman was named Reserve Champion Senior Showman. Among the junior showmanship class, Landen Ellsworth took first and Jacob Drake took second. Earning the Division Champion and Reserve Titles also earned these participants entrance in the Champion Showman class.
Following the showmanship class was the market hog show. The market classes are divided into weight classes. The first weight class was the 220 - 229 pound class which was won by Hannah Schuman followed by Hallie Boardman in second. Next was the 230-239 pound class and in first place was Lydia Covert and in second was Grace Pfleuger. After that was the 240-249 pound class which was Parker Schuman in first and Aydon Heim in second. The 250-259 pound class followed with Lydia Covert in first and Adam Lesch took second. In the weight range of 260-269 winners were Olivia Kwilos who took first place and in second was Hannah Schauman. Class 6 with a weight range of 270 – 279 pounds winners were Abbie Boardman taking first place and second was won by Garrett Lesch.
Champion and Reserve Market Hogs from each weight class compete for the Grand Champion Market Hog title, which went to Olivia Kwilos. Hannah Schauman received the Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog award.
Congratulations to all youth who participated in the 4-H hog show this year!
The 4-H Youth Development Program is one of many programs offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County (CCE-Chautauqua). CCE-Chautauqua is a community based educational organization, affiliated with Cornell University, Chautauqua County Government, the NYS SUNY system, and the federal government through the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. For more information, call 716-664-9502 or visit our website at www.cce.cornell.edu/chautauqua. Cornell University Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities.
Emily Reynolds
Executive Director
716-664-9502 ext. 201
Last updated July 19, 2023