Cover of the 2025 Agricultural Literacy Week book, The Pie That Molly Grew by Sue Heavenrich and illustrated by Chamisa Kellogg.

The 2025 Ag Literacy Week is March 17th - 21st.

Celebrating Agricultural Literacy Week

JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK (January 23, 2025) -- Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County’s Agriculture and 4-H Program is excited to celebrate Agriculture Literacy Week, happening March 17th-21st, 2025. Agriculture Literacy Week is dedicated to connecting youth to agriculture and celebrating the people in the industry that produce healthy foods, 365 days a year!

The program, offered at the state level through New York Agriculture in the Classroom, is coordinated in Chautauqua County by Josie Laurie. Schools and libraries can sign up to have a volunteer come to read a selected agriculturally based book and lead the youth through a related activity that is fun and engaging. The book is then donated to the school or library for future learning and enjoyment.

The book selected for the 2025 Agricultural Literacy Week program is The Pie That Molly Grew by Sue Heavenrich. Beginning with the planting of a single seed, youth will join Molly on the journey of bringing a pumpkin to harvest. Under Molly’s watchful eye and care, each stage of growth – from the seed to the sprout to the leaves to the final fruit on the vine – is showcased. At the end, Molly’s lovely pumpkin is turned into a delicious pie to one and all to share in a celebration of gratitude, all from the seed that she sowed. After hearing about Molly’s seed to pumpkin journey, youth in Chautauqua County will participate in their own seed to pumpkin activity and may even get the opportunity to taste test roasted pumpkin seeds.

The success of this program would not be possible without the generosity of donors and volunteers. Books and activity materials are supported by New York Agriculture in the Classroom and our generous county donors. Donors are recognized on a bookplate in every book donated. CCE Chautauqua is still in need of donations to successfully operate the 2025 Agricultural Literacy Week. We are looking to raise $1,000 to have a successful outreach program.

CCE Chautauqua is also looking for volunteers to read at schools. Coordinators will work with volunteers to find a time and school that fits their schedule best and will provide all the materials needed for the reading. If you are interested in either donating or reading for the 2025 Agricultural Literacy week, please contact Josie Laurie by emailing, calling 716-664-9502 ext.216, or visit the CCE Chautauqua Ag Literacy webpage at

During 2024, approximately 50 volunteers read to over 3,200 students in Chautauqua County, led them through a seed-to-strawberry activity, and finished off the program with each classroom getting to taste fresh strawberries. CCE Chautauqua would like to thank all the volunteers that helped execute this program, and all of our donors including Butternut Brook Livestock-Michael and Shannon Carpenter, Carlberg Farm Livestock and Produce, Chautauqua County Farm Bureau, Dan Smith, Dave Munch & Sara Toth, Farm Credit East, ACA, Green Banks Farm-Dan and Anna Crowell, Jamestown Garden Club, Jamestown Plastics- Jay Baker, Janet Forbes in Memory of James Forbes, Jim and Rosie Joy- JM Joy Farms, John and Carol Hardenburg, Johnathan Penhollow, John Hemmer, Olde Chautauqua Farms, Richard and Janice Jozwiak, and Sue Harper for donating for the 2024 Agricultural Literacy Week.

The 4-H Program is one of many programs offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County (CCE-Chautauqua). CCE-Chautauqua is a subordinate governmental agency with an educational mission that operates under a form of organization and administration approved by Cornell University as agent for the State of New York. It is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The association is part of the national cooperative extension system, an educational partnership between County, State, and Federal governments. As New York’s land grant university Cornell administers the system in this state. Each Cornell Cooperative Extension association is an independent employer that is governed by an elected Board of Directors with general oversight from Cornell. All associations work to meet the needs of the counties in which they are located as well as state and national goals. For more information, call 716-664-9502 or visit our website at Cornell University Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities.

Last updated January 23, 2025