SOUTHWEST, NEW YORK (September 14th, 2022) – New and seasoned cattle producers are welcomed to join Cornell Cooperative Extension’s SWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Team (SWNYDLFC) and CCE Chautauqua for an in-person BQA training at Town Line Livestock in Perrysburg, NY on Saturday, October 15th from 9am – 2pm. The in-classroom and on-farm training program covers best management practice guidelines for beef cattle health, welfare, and production, ultimately leading to high quality beef both on the hoof and in the retail case.
This training will cover the following topics:
While farmers can take this training to learn more about managing their herds, those who successfully complete it will attain their BQA certification. Training for both level I and level II BQA certification will be offered. If you are taking the training to recertify, you will only need to take the classroom training. If you want to become level II certified, you’ll need to be present for both the classroom and chute-side training.
This training is offered free of charge. Lunch and refreshments are either “pack your own” or provided by the program for $15/person. Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 12th at noon to Amy Barkley (, (716) 640-0844). You can also RSVP online at
SWNYDLFC is a partnership between Cornell University and the CCE Associations of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, and Steuben counties. Their team includes Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Farm Business Management (716-640-0522); Camila Lage, Dairy Management (607-422-6788); and Amy Barkley, Livestock Management (716-640-0844). CCE is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities.
For more information about Cornell Cooperative Extension, contact your county’s Association Executive Director. Allegany County – Laura Hunsberger, or 585-268-7644. Cattaraugus County – Dick Rivers, or 716-699-2377. Chautauqua County – Emily Reynolds, or 716-664-9502. Erie County – Diane Held, or 716-652-5400. Steuben County – Tess McKinley,, or 607-664-2301.
Amy Barkley
Livestock Specialist
cell 716-640-0844
Last updated September 16, 2022