The Optimistic Gardener will be available online at

The Optimistic Gardener is online at

New Horticulture Newsletter

JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK (February 16, 2023) -- Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County Master Gardeners in conjunction with Cattaraugus County Master Gardeners are launching a new Horticulture Newsletter.

The newsletter is called The Optimistic Gardener (TOG) because all gardeners have the optimism to keep growing and trying new and old ideas. It will have gardening articles, upcoming events, featured Master Gardeners, advice column, children’s garden activity, book reviews, and much more.

TOG will be available online at and

The Chautauqua and Cattaraugus Master Gardener Program is a Cornell Cooperative Extension Program with the mission to provide support and guidance to the public and community gardens free of charge. Our volunteers undergo a 50-hour training program, and volunteer 35 hours per year to maintain their certification as a Master Gardener.

The Master Gardener Program is one of many programs offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County (CCE-Chautauqua). CCE-Chautauqua is a subordinate governmental agency with an educational mission that operates under a form of organization and administration approved by Cornell University as agent for the State of New York. It is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The association is part of the national cooperative extension system, an educational partnership between County, State, and Federal governments. As New York’s land grant university Cornell administers the system in this state. Each Cornell Cooperative Extension association is an independent employer that is governed by an elected Board of Directors with general oversight from Cornell. All associations work to meet the needs of the counties in which they are located as well as state and national goals. For more information, call 716-664-9502 or visit our website at . Cornell University Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities.

Last updated February 16, 2023