Email: fredoniafarmersmkt@gmail.com
Website: www.fredoniafarmersmarket.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FredoniaFarmersMarket/
Hours of Operation: Open Year Round. May through October, 9am - 1pm on their Church Street Location. November through May, 10am - 1pm at the Masonic Lodge (321 E. Main Street).
The Fredonia Farmers Market invigorates a sense of old-fashioned community market days in the heart of the quaint village every Saturday. Each Saturday morning from mid-May thru October, the Fredonia Farmers' Market opens on Church Street for the entire community to come together to purchase locally grown vegetables, fruits, meats and dairy products, and can discover the entrepreneurial and artistic talent that exists in western New York. The products available are diverse and make this market a true one-stop shopping experience for your weekly fresh local food purchases. FREE pancakes every Saturday morning! Easy convenient parking in the heart of the village. Watch their events calendar for nutrition and cooking programs and live entertainment. The first of November marks the beginning of the Winter Farmers' Market season as it moves indoors to the Masonic Lodge. The Fredonia Farmers Market accepts SNAP, FMNP, WICVF, and is a participating Double Up Food Bucks location.
Katelyn Walley-Stoll
Agriculture Team Leader
716-664-9502 ext. 202
Last updated November 30, 2023