nurse /heallthcare

Health Care is important during pregnancy.

pregnant women
Image by TawnyNina

Learn what to avoid during your pregnancy.


Breastfeeding new baby

Eating Smart * Being Active During Pregnancy

Eating Smart and Being Active During Pregnancy is a series of 8 interactive classes for low-income pregnant women. This series can be taught at an agency with a group of adults or as a series of home visits. Lessons consist of Eating Smart and Being Active During Pregnancy, Feeding your new baby and Feeding your new baby solids.

The goal is for pregnant women to choose foods and lifestyle behaviors to meet the specific needs of pregnancy.

At the end of the lesson, participants will know:

Regular prenatal care contributes to a healthy pregnancy.

Choosing a variety of healthy foods helps women meet the special nutritional needs of pregnancy.

Appropriate weight gain contributes to a healthy pregnancy.

Women should follow special food safety practices during pregnancy.

Most pregnant women can benefit from appropriate moderate physical activity.

Through lesson activities, participants will:

Plan a meal to support a healthy pregnancy.

Choose "safe food" alternatives to foods that are "unsafe" during pregnancy

Identify ways to ease the common discomforts of pregnancy.

Feeding Your New Baby

After the class parents will have learned on how to make informed decisions about feeding their new baby.

Current recommendations for feeding babies from birth to six months, and the reasons for these recommendations.

How to safely feed their baby.

How to recognize their baby's cues for feeding.

When their baby is ready for solid foods.

Sources of support for successful breastfeeding.

Last updated April 27, 2020