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2018 PRYDE Youth and Volunteer Survey

What: The Program for Research on Youth Development and Engagement (PRYDE) at Cornell is working with 4-H to conduct a study that is part of a larger project aimed at answering the question “What happens in 4-H programs that helps youth develop a sense of purpose in life?”

Who: This survey is for youth age 12-18 and adult volunteers.

How: The first step for youth is having a parental consent form signed. This can be done online here: Once this is completed you will receive an email for the link to the survey.

The survey will take roughly 20 minutes to complete but the folks at PRYDE have made it worth your time—they’re offering up a $10.00 Visa gift card if you submit the survey via paper copy or a $10.00 Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or iTunes gift card if you complete the survey online via smartphone or computer.

If 25 youth complete the survey from Chautauqua County we receive $500.00!

Youth Survey Link:

Adult Volunteer Survey Link:

Last updated April 26, 2018