Building Healthy Habits (formerly known as EFNEP)

Building Healthy Habits is a program for low income adults who are pregnant or raising children. Participants attend a series of 8 lessons on a variety of nutrition education topics. Series can be offered at agency locations or as home visits.

Building Healthy Habits (formerly known as EFNEP) Participants learn to:

Buy healthy food with your money and SNAP or WIC benefits.

Make recipes your children will love.

Plan nutritious meals that save time and money.

Prepare delicious dishes with less salt, sugar, and fat.

Use food labels to make healthy choices.

Participants can choose to participate in one of these series:

Family Nutrition Education Curriculum

Finding a Balance



In New York State 14% of residents are living in poverty, currently $22,350 for a family of four (US Census Bureau, 2010). Low income is associated with numerous health problems, including obesity, chronic disease, and poor pregnancy outcomes. Positive changes in food, nutrition and physical activity practices are integral to avoiding the negative consequences of these health conditions.

Evaluating Results

Education to program participants results in positive behavior changes, which retention studies document are sustained at least six months post-education.

  • 87% improved diet quality
  • 79% improved food purchasing practices
  • 64% improved food handling practices
  • 41% increase frequency of being physically active

Results based on 18,690 adult participants completing a minimum of six lessons.


Wendy Alexander
EFNEP Nutrition Educator
716-664-9502 Ext 221

Last updated November 1, 2023